With 25 Years of Industry Experience, Let CFI Take Care of Your Chlorine Dioxide Needs.
Give CFI a Call Today @ 916-616-8820

Contact CFI for an Appointment
Fill out the form below and a CFI representative will get a hold of you promptly. If you need faster service, please call 916.616.8820 during business hours M-F 9:00am to 5:00pm.
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Initial use of chlorine dioxide or any of our oxidizing biocides and disinfection techniques typically requires a degree of technical, regulatory and scientific support along with continued service of the program to ensure a smooth, safe and successful treatment program. As experts in sanitation, disinfection, remediation and advanced oxidation, CFI Chemical Co. meets those needs and is committed to providing our expert site services and support along with our equipment and chemicals.[/text_block]

Contact CFI for an Appointment
Fill out the form below and a CFI representative will get a hold of you promptly. If you need faster service, please call 916.616.8820 during business hours M-F 9:00am to 5:00pm.
We value your privacy and would never spam you

- Flumes & Dump Tanks
- Process Belt Lines
- Spray Systems
- Cooling Towers
- Filling Lines

- Irrigation Lines
- Potable Water
- Well Injections
- CIP Systems
- Ground Water Remediation Systems

- Thermal Energy Storage Systems
- Fermentation Tanks
- Odor Scrubbers
- Odor for Collection Systems

- Ice Injectors & Hydracoolers
- Fe & Mn Removal
- BOD Reduction
- Arsenic & Chrome

- Food & Beverage
- Packing Houses
- Municipal
- Co-Gen
- Canning & Canneries

- Industrial
- Pharmaceutical
- Refining
- Cold Storage
- Fresh Pack Fruits & Vegetables

- Agricultural
- Wine
- Hospital
- Meat & Poultry

Email: Support@cficheminc.com[/text_block]

Fill out the form below
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